Natural factors 7 day detox
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The 21 Day Sugar Detox By Diane Sanfilippo
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Put A Halt To Sugar CravingsBefore I talk about how to stop sugar cravings, let me talk just a bit about sugar. In the interim, let me pose a question. Is the life of cut flowers prolonged by sugar? In order to find the answer to this question I decided to engage in a few experiments, albeit unscientific. To my astonishment it appears not to be an urban myth. For unknown reasons, the life of cut flowers was extended by several days by adding a couple teaspoons of sugar. I was later informed that too much sugar can have the opposite effect causing cut flowers to die an untimely death. So how about us humans? Does sugar intake have such effects on people? You must be asking yourself what this has to do with 'best way to stop sugar cravings'. Hiding in your foods in many forms and names sugar proves to be quite tricky. Sure, it is possible to use techniques to better control sugar cravings, but what difference does it make if we do not know sugar exists in a given food? The typical American eats a whopping 74 pounds of added sugar every year according to some estimates. This equates to eating 23 tablespoons of sugar on a daily basis. Some experts put this figure much higher approaching more than 150 pounds of sugar on an annual basis. Whichever figure is correct, this represents far more sugar than required by the human body which needs approximately two teaspoons of sugar at any one given time. This sheds light on why obesity is at its peak in America. You virtually need to become a "sugar-detective" just to recognize all the names representing sugar: Cane juice, caramel, corn syrup, dextran, dextrose, fructose, fruit juice concentrate, glucose, high-fructose corn syrup, invert sugar, lactose, malt syrup, maltodextrin, maltose, mannitol, molasses, raw sugar, refiners syrup, sorbitol, sorghum syrup, sucrose, and yellow sugar. That exhaustive list is not even a complete rundown of all the various forms of sugar we encounter on a daily basis. Taste for Life magazine explains that the control of sugar cravings can be achieved by following these simple guidelines: Don't put sugar on your cereal or in drinks. If you must sweeten your food, try adding a small amount of the sweet herb Stevia. Stay away from things like white bread, white pasta and white rice since these contain processed carbohydrates which are rapidly converted to blood sugar, which disrupts the body's metabolic balance and fat-control systems. Eat whole foods. Whole grains, fresh vegetables, fruits, nuts, and legumes all have some naturally occurring sugars, however they offer important nutrients and fiber which serves to help balance blood sugar. You should strive to eat natural foods. As opposed to orange juice, eat an orange. You will consume less sugar while at the same time you benefit from a greater amount of nutrients. Natural sweets, like juice, can be diluted with pure water. You can add things like whole-grain cereal and nuts to granola to further reduce your sugar intake. Additionally, be sure to scrutinize those labels that say 'fat free'. Often these fat free foods contain twice as much " or even more " sugar than the full fat equivalent product. Because of their often high sugar content, fat free foods are in reality a cause of health and weight concerns.
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