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The 21 Day Sugar Detox By Diane Sanfilippo
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Yeast Infection Treatment With Antibiotics And Sugar Craving SymptomA guy I know said to me that he has been wondering why people dont take a course of yeast infection treatment with antibiotics to kill the candida, and then follow it with a heavy course of probiotics. He believes that antibiotics kill everything and he asked my thoughts on his idea. I don't think they are sure which antibiotics kill candida. Nystatin works fine, but then they grow back when you stop using it. The best is to "starve" the candida with a sugar-free/low carb diet, and build your immune system. As I understand it, antibiotic kill bacteria, not fungus. Candida is a fungus. The bacteria in your system can keep fungus in check and/or balance. The nuking of your bacteria gives this fungus a hunting license to over develop in your intestines, colon, etc. You would theoretically want to use a powerful anti-fungal (Diflucan, for instance) to destroy the fungus and then repopulate with probiotics (such as Primal Defense). The problem with this approach is that funguses are a very hearty lot and, if you have had Candida for some time, have burrowed into the walls of your intestinal tract. Even after Diflucan, they will make a return appearance. The key is to make the area they live in uninhabitable. This includes probiotics, antifungals, and changing the overall pH of your system. I was shocked to see my pH at 4.2 to 4.3 every morning (use a litmus test on urine sample after getting up in the morning). Using Coral Legend and Quantum Aloe, I have been able to bring my waking pH back into normal ranges. A more balanced pH helps keep the Candida in check. On the mean time, another topic by this article, I will let you know about a sugar craving symptom formed in nervousness when eating sugar, based on a request mail from an old friend of mine. He said that his blood sugar is fine, but the problem here is he will get extreme nervousness after eating anything with sugar in it. So, he would like to know if I or someone I know has the same problem as him, and he also asked if this is a symptom of candida. Comparing with my experiences, I was like this all the time, too. But, during the last 18 months I have cut down on sugar so much that now it is ok if I consume sugar again, as long as I dont have too much of it. I remember this very fondly that I would get nervous and panic attack whenever I consume anything consists of sugar or yeast. I believe that you have to stop the sugar for a long time and then your tolerance will build up to it little by little. I have this to vary degrees depending on my health. The nervousness could be a sign that there is candida in your adrenal glands. It could also be a sign of sugar intolerance, or CFS, etc. All of these can be related to candida, but they would be treated differently for the best outcome. The only way I know of to get rid of it is to stay away with sugar and anything containing sugar. That's it, I hope this article "Yeast Infection Treatment with Antibiotics and Sugar Craving Symptom" has been informative for you.
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