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The 21 Day Sugar Detox By Diane Sanfilippo
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Cause of Sugar Cravings and Opioid Release - Just like OpiumThe cause of sugar cravings is multi-faceted - emotional, physical, psychological, serotonin, release of dopamine and much more. You may never think of chocolate the same and that's good news as it's at the top of the list of food items most commonly craved. When you eat chocolate and sugar foods, opioids are released! Yes, opioids - just like opium or heroin. Opioids will bind to brain receptors, triggering feelings of pleasure and well-being. Further evidence that supports the stimulation of opiate receptors by chocolate is that blocking the receptors will reduce the cravings. Cause of Sugar Cravings and Sucrose A 2005 Swedish study proved that sucrose causes the release of endogenous opioids and thus triggers more sugar consumption. Chocolate also causes the brain to release endorphins and contains small amounts of Anandamide, an endogenous cannibinoid that has similar effects on the brain as marijuana. The cause of sugar cravings is multifaceted. Another neurotransmitter involved in the cause of sugar cravings and will increase them is serotonin. When we eat sugar or other refined carbohydrates, they are easily broken down and converted to glucose, and fructose. In response to this glucose load, the brain releases serotonin and beta-endorphins. Serotonin has many functions in the body and is most known for making us euphoric and feeling good. And low Serotonin states with depression and fatigue will cause sugar cravings and promote more cravings. That's why these sweets are the cause of sugar ravings and become so addictive. There is a very interesting parallel however. What happens when you take a "natural" substance out of nature, and refine it so much so that you can optimize its biological and chemical activity? Cause of Sugar Cravings and Sugar Cane By the way, cocaine is a drug that is refined from cocoa leaves, opium and heroin from the poppy flower and yes, sugar from a gnarly piece of plant called sugar cane. We made sugar what it is today. We processed it, and then we accentuated the "sweet business" by adding another "natural" product called high fructose corn syrup. We are doing this to ourselves and we have created a country teeming with illness that unfortunately is being perpetuated by the ridiculous low-fat diet. Or we could say high sugar diet. There is so much more to the cause of sugar cravings though. Psychological components are at hand in the cause of sugar cravings. Enticing foods, memorable food experiences, and vivid visual imagery of a delicious slice of chocolate cake cause the release of dopamine. A cause of sugar cravings is the addictive pleasure hormone that is also released during sex and drug use. Of all the substances we consume that are damaging, sugar is the most harmful as it ignites inflammation and inflammation causes heart disease. We can see the result of excessive sugar in diabetes, obesity and cancer as well. Having seen the ravages of damaged hearts for 15 years as a heart surgeon, my goal today is helping patients prevent disease. A huge step in prevention is overcoming sugar addiction. To learn how you can easily end sugar addiction, visit Dr. Robert Carlson's at .
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